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To ensure all Queer Socials Peterborough events are safe spaces we ask all members to follow our guidelines
If you are at one of our events you must be respectful of other members in the group, including our valued organisers – try to also respect other venue attendees, try not to hinder the enjoyment of those around you and ensure conversations are appropriate for the situation.
Personal Details
Members may, of course, swap details with each other to enable future contact. We have had lots of friendships form, relationships that have sparked and even one or two weddings! This is at members own discretion and members may always politely refuse to give you details. If you ask for them, you should respect their space.
Queer Socials Peterborough is not a ‘hook-up’ group. The intent is to allow people to meet other like-minded folk for friendship and socialising. That said, we don’t deny people the chance to ask their fellow members for dates. You need to think about how to do this appropriately. Members should not seek to make any unwelcome advances during a meeting. You can ask another member to meet them another time for date if you wish – that’s up to them.
Members should not touch other members, without them knowing if that person minds being touched. If you’re not sure, just ask them.
Personal Space
Members should not invade another’s personal space and should try to be conscious when standing over them.
Change the Subject
If, when having a conversation with someone else, the subject becomes something which makes you feel uncomfortable, you can request that the subject be changed.
We all like a laugh and we are not there to police profanity. However, if a person lets you know you are going too far, out of respect you should be accepting of their wishes.
Personal Safety
Where anyone is made to feel unsafe, or has unwelcome behaviour towards them, you should notify an organiser.
Queer Socials Peterborough welcomes everyone, regardless of ability or disability.
Keep it Legal
Anything that is unlawful – i.e. assault on another member or a hate crime WILL be reported to the correct authorities.
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