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Housing Support

Stonewall Housing
T: 020 7359 5767
Stonewall Housing provides housing advice and services to LGBT+ people. 

Peterborough Council Housing Needs
T: 01733 864064
T: Out of Hours 01733 425300
We deliver a range of advice and assistance to those with accommodation needs. Whether you’re a Housing Association tenant, rent privately, own a property or have no fixed address, we offer free and confidential advice on various housing related subjects. 

Hope Into Action
T: 01733 558301
A registered charity that working with churches to house the homeless.

Longhurst Group
T: 01733 554858
Whether you are looking for safe accommodation for a few days, or you’re in need of somewhere to stay for up to 2 years, our Peterborough services can offer both accommodation and support.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
T: 01733 327026
A national debt counselling charity with a network of 72 centres based in local churches. You do NOT need to be a Christian to use this service. After you call CAP, a Debt Advisor and Support Worker from the local CAP Centre will visit you in your own home. A realistic budget is then worked out at CAP HQ by prioritising your essential bills, negotiating affordable payments with each creditor and stopping unfair interest and charges where possible. The local Debt Advisor will then visit you again to explain the budget and the payments you will need to make. A CAP Account is then set up for you. This acts like a simple bank account. You will need to make one weekly or monthly payment into your account to cover all of your bills and debts. CAP will then distribute this on your behalf. You can also make savings in your CAP Account.

National Debtline
T: 0808 808 4000
A free telephone helpline for people with debt problems.

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