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Our Story

We began in April 2015 after Jon S and James W had met through another LGBT+ network under the name Inclusive Peterborough.

 Jon S had been in former LGBT+ networks with James W and both were feeling no one was really listening to the local LGBT+ community here in Peterborough. 

Peterborough Pride March

“We recognised that a lot of people were spending more and more time on their own.  There was a lack of LGBT+ venues and other than a few LGBT+ nights, few options for LGBT+ folk to meet in a safe space where they could feel comfortable to be their full selves.  I admit partly, it was from my own experience of feeling the community had become more and more fragmented, no longer could I go anywhere and be able to meet with my community.” - James

The group formed in the April as 'Peterborough LGBT+ and friends social group' and was hosted on, whilst soon after starting our Facebook group.  We wanted to bring our allies and friends with us to the social network – we would never insist that to join people were LGBT+, only that they were like minded, that LGBT+ people deserve to feel safe and supported in our community.

Our first event was in the Argo Lounge and I admit we had a lot to learn as we forgot about the stairs. This was more an evening of having drinks together; we then went forward with our coffee mornings and regular meals out.  We’ve been known to do one off events like treasure trails, escape rooms, seaside trips and going to other cities – including a spot of punting on the river Cam!

Soon we broke 100 members and before long grew even more.  We had no idea it would grow so quickly.  There were obviously others that felt as we did that the community needed to have spaces to meet together.


In 2015 there was no local pride – so our first parade was in Leicester where we marched under a pride banner painted by our then organiser John M.  However, after leaving Inclusive Peterborough to move away, John would sadly lose his life through cancer.  We remember John with fond memories.

Painting our first Pride Banner

Lotte K, a lady from Denmark who was living in the UK was our first lady organiser. Lotte hosted many events in bars/meals out. Later organisers would join us such as Samantha M, Vicky B and our membership continued to grow.

In 2019 we supported Peterborough’s Pride by providing the main event in collaboration with Embrace Events. Carnival of Love was a major success that still is spoken about today. We introduced a new event - 'Speed Meet' which we hosted on a few occasions to give people chance to meet a new friend or maybe a new love.

In 2024, we have over 800 members and although our organisers team may have changed from our beginnings in 2015, we are fortunate to have a wonderful committee who show they can provide a wealth of variety of events.


Today in 2025 we have a new name to clearly descibe our purpose. We now have monthly board games evenings, knit and knatter evenings, crafternoons, walks in the park as well as our coffee mornings in town and monthly meals out together.

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